Titel:Glacier melting in the Alps

A summary of a publication by G. Patzelt, professor at the Institute of High Mountain Research (Institut für Hochgebirgsforschung), University of Innsbruck, Austria. The literature (in German): Rundgespraeche der Kommission fuer Oekologie, vol. 18, "Entwicklung der Umwelt seit der letzten Eiszeit", pp 119-125, Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil, München, June 2000.

Part 1, glacier melting in the Alps

The Alps are located in the Central to Southern parts of Europe and up to 4808m high. Since 1850/55 Alpine glaciers have lost 50% of their area and 60% of their ice volume.

Part 2.1, detailed analysis of melting

The extension of glaciers in the Alps is well documented during this period, either by direct observation or, approximately since 1900, by photographs. An evaluation of this information reveals the following melting periods:
From 1855 to 1890 the glacier retreat amounted to 20% of its area
from 1890 to 1925 the area remained constant
from 1925 to 1965 an additional 26% of the original area melted down
from 1965 to 1980 the area remained constant
from 1980 until today an additional 5% or so disappeared.

Part 2.2, temperature variations in the Alps during the Holocene

From the altitude of tree growth limit, from glacier deposits and from atmospheric lapse rate the temperature variation of the Alps during the Holocene (the last round about 10,000 years) can rather precisely be determinated. The results:
The amplitude of upper altitude of tree growth varied by about 250m, corresponding to a temperature variation of about 1.5°C.
Today's altitude is 160m above the lowest level, corresponding to a temperature of about 0.9 to 1.0°C above minimum or 0.5 to 0.6°C below maximum.
During two thirds of the Holocene the temperature was equal or higher than today.
1850 was about the period of highest glacier advance in the Alps during the Holocene.
During the Holocene for several times glacier retreat was more pronounced than it is today


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